Friday 30 October 2020

Corbett National Park Open post lockdown

 We all have seen one of the toughest phase of our lives during this lockdown. Everyone was so frustrated sitting at home and with no means of travel, things were actually affecting people mentally. So, when the lockdown restrictions were lifted and things started opening up, national parks also were allowed to open for visitors. 15th october is the date when Bijrani zone of Corbett National park open its gates for tourists.

I have been a regular visitor to Bijrani zone from past 15 years. This zone has always kept me busy with my photography gear, sometimes with beautiful sightings of Tiger, sometimes with some beautiful birds. This year when we entered, we felt so refreshed as it was almost after 7 months when we were entering this beautiful natonal park. We can feel the freshness of the forest air. My entire family was delighted again to be in the wild.

You can have best of experience of safari if you have an experienced driver and guide. This proved once again when despite of just seeing a glimpse of tiger, we were obliged by a group of elephants. We got some nice pictures and video of elephant and tusker which actually made our trip successful.

We all came out with happy faces. Next month in November, the heaven for photo and wildlife lovers "DHIKALA" zone of Corbett National Park is opening. I have got my booking done and will share my experience of Dhikala in my next blog.